
Sooooo it turns out the web version of this game is fairly broken (probably should have checked this before the deadline but whatever), please download an executable version for best results - I may patch it later on for HMTL5 optimisation, but it's too close to the LD46 submission deadline for me to do it right now.

Ludum Dare 46: "Keep It Alive"

Keep the signal alive and as intact as possible as it speeds along the power lines towards a satellite uplink.

A simple little side-scrolling/on-rails platformer I built for my first Ludum Dare.


  • 0.2 - Initial release.
  • 0.3 - Fixed bug that caused the player to fall through wires at points where wires on different collision layers merged.
  • 0.3.1 - Removed broken pause button input left in from getting development screenshots.


  • Speed up or slow the signal with "D" and "A"
  • Jump with "W"
  • Drop down to the wire below (if there is one) with "S"
  • Being off of a wire (jumping or falling) loses signal strength
  • Hitting a bird loses signal strength (and score)
  • Being on a wire regains signal strength, the faster you move the faster it restores
  • End score is multiplied by the signal strength % for a final score

Happy With

  • Finally managed to properly scope a game for a jam and actually finished on time :)
  • The telephone pole and electrical wire generation code actually worked out pretty well.

Not So Happy With

  •  Realising the web version on is fairly broken with 2 hours
    left till submission, for both our sakes just download it for your OS.
  • The controls could be a bit tighter.


Code, Music & Additional Art: Jack McCaffrey

SFX/Sound Design: James Bridges



Signal Surfer (Linux)
Signal Surfer (macOS)
Signal Surfer (Windows)

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